Mordecai and Rigby VS Ian and Anthony (Regular Show VS Smosh)

 Imagine being a kid in the 2010s (Like me, TARDIStum)  Super Mario Galaxy 2 just came out, and you get to play that on the WII. What a fun time, you don’t have to worry about being a pawn in late stage capitalism just yet. You still have a glimmer of hope and dreams.

You want to watch TV, you turn on Cartoon Network and watch some regular show. You know who also watches some regular show? MY MOM, because she’s a supportive parent. 

And then you go onto youtube, and watch some smosh. And then you wonder which duo out of Mordecai and Rigby and Ian and Anthony would win in a fight, and you wait a decade and a half to find out, couldn’t be me and my story.

Mordecai and Rigby, Ian and Anthony, two of the best friends forever ever. But now it’s the ultimate friendship battle.

Some feats for Mordecai and Rigby were sourced from the respect thread, so credit to them.

Because of the loose continuity of both franchises, in this blog, we will give them everything that they could feasibly use, along as the item doesn’t require outside help to use.

Mordecai and Rigby became friends in the latter half of the 20th century. Mordecai thought Rigby was funny at Kindergarten and a friendship was born that day. They attended school, Mordecai went to art school. But they they had to get a job, ew jobs, They managed to blag a spot at the park. Just called the park. And had a very regular job, the kind where you have to stop sentient hot dogs from eating people. The norm.

Ian Hecox and Anthony Padilla, Best friends that get to make stupid internet videos together. Living the dream.For Ian and Anthony, we are just looking at the fictionalised versions of them in the sketches, no real life versions of them. Any sketches where they are playing other characters will not be included, because, well title of the matchup.  And for the one person that knows about Smosh Babies, there are characters in that show never seen in the sketches, so we can assume those are in a different continuity that the main smosh verse, so we will not be using any feats from Smosh Babies. If there even are feats.


Mordecai and Rigby are known to be slackers, the lazy type that don't really put up a fight. However there are showings of physical strength for Mordecai and Rigby, both Rigby and Mordecai has punched Benson, and in the case of Mordecai, it required both Muscle Man and Skips to hold him back. Mordecai is the strongest of the two as demonstrated as he repeatedly wins in Punches against Rigby and tackles a Death Bear. Rigby also has his fair share of feats. he headbutts a music demon and kicks a haircut bot into his own machine. And has enough strength to break a puzzle, a game controller and a book. Both have been shown to beat up web spiders after being sucked into the internet.

Ian and Anthony, again not really known to be the athletic type, they're professional youtubers. Again, However there are some actual feats of strength. Ian underwent four years of training in order to give Anthony a haircut, and is a certified Olympic Gold medalist.that has won 5 gold medals. Stastically the sport that Olympians with the most medals compete in is Swimming, so we can assume using real world data that the medals are for swimming. And have thrown Bigfoot off a cliif. and put a robber into a headlock. Anthony is strong enough to lift Ian with enough force to break a table.

And now we come to somewhat of a debunk on some mordecai and rigby scaling to the end of the universe that I came across when researching, and here's the thing, in the Regular Show verse, Pops and Anti Pops battle it out every 14000 years for control of the universe and it always ends in a draw causing the universe to reset. People seem to think that because of this, Mordecai and Rigby scale to the destruction of the universe, even the respect threads on reddit seem to think it, but um, they don't. If you actually watch the movie, these sussposed feats are in, they are effected by the universe collasping and are moved into a new universe   and the only reason they managed to get back to the old universe was because the new universe somehow contained their memories. . So no Mordecai and Rigby do not scale to the end of the universe itself.  Classic power scalers taking scenes out of context lol. 

Ian and Anthony has shown their fair share of durability. Anthony's consciousness can survive without a body of course we can't talk about durability in smosh without food battle. These have somewhat of a continuity, past events are expcltiny mentioned in the sketches so they are set in the same universe so we are going to take them into account/ Anthony has survived drowning  and being impaled with his own churro and a sword, being posioned with cynanide. Ian has survived being what looked like a fatal car crash, being run over by a car, a eletric shock, is able to survive a fall from the grand canyon in a car (man, what is with it with Ian and car feats in food battle?), being shot in the chest with a bow and arrow.                                    There's also the whole thing with Ian and Anthony switching minds, but no matter who's in who's mind, their bodies are still able to survive the things they survived, so I'm not taking the mind switcher into account.
. And Ian and Anthony can seemingly survive the whole universe ending. We know they can because they explicitly comment on what is happening in the new universe (One of the first words in the new universe being butthole lol). And 


Surpisngly, regular show does not feature that many speed feats for it's characters. but there are some. Mordecai and Rigby can outrun nanotechlogy goo. on foot and even out chasing the goo on a conveyor belt. Mordecai is able to outrun a homing energy blast

There are not many speed feats I could find while watching smosh, because well they're 10 minute skits at best so no real time for running. However there is a speed feat in smosh the movie (Yes, I had to watch it for the blog, Yes I might have been one of the 5 people that bought it when it first came out)
When transported into the internet, one of the videos they end up in is a Markiplier video (Phew, thank god for it not being a cancelled youtuber) when they outrun a monkey monster with a chainsaw. 


Oh Boy, now we come to the big one, as stated before, I will give both duos everything they could feasibly use, as long as the item doesn't require outside help to use (As a example for both duos, Ian and Anthony will not be getting the video game powers from Super Smosh as they were granted by Marley, nor will Mordecai and Rigby be getting their Basketball powers as they were granted by the basketball god. Both instances would require outside help for them to use those powers) 

Mordecai and Rigby.

Rigby's special move. It can be used for distracting people and attacking people

Mint Ice
If Mordecai takes too many mints, he gets freeze breath

Laser Ring
When Mordecai's hair goes blond,, he gets a laser ring 

Death Kwon Do
By putting on mullets and jean shorts, Mordecai and Rigby gain the skills of the ancient art death kwon do. The Death Punch of Death can send people flying and even create a crater in the ground. The only way to stop death kwon do from hurting is to know the death block. Other moves in the death kwon do catalogue include the death jump  and the death kick. It can also cause people to vaporise  They are also skilled enough to be able to enter their death kwon do forms automatically.

Magic Dice.
Mordecai and Rigby have magic dice where the dice grants them unlimted wishes. Also rigby stole it which is somewhat of a theme.

Brain Max
By drinking Brain Max, Mordecai and Rigby become super intelligent and can attack each other with words. 

Sky Kicks
Rigby has a pair of shoes that allow him to jump into the air

Rigby's stopwatch.

The Power
Rigby stole a magic keyboard from a wizard (see, I said it was a theme)  Anything they sing while playing the power comes to life. They use it to take people to the moon  It has instant creation abilities and can take people to space. 

Book of Park Records
The book of park records, whatever Mordecai and Rigby write in it comes true.

Time Machine
Rigby has a time machine.

Ian and Anthony.


Both Ian and Anthony has been shown to have mastery of firearms and often hit their targets.


Anthony has a axe that is able to chop off body parts

Ian has also been shown to kill a elf

Laser Eyes

Anthony is skilled in hypnosis and is able to hypnotise Ian. 

Easy Button.

Hack Buttons
These are buttons that can hack to aim better, fly and walk through walls, But they can be dehacked if someone else presses them

Modified Shoes

Bat Mating Call
Ian knows a bat mating call which causes bats to attack  (featuring cancelled youtuber Shane Dawson, it was early 2010s there was bound to be one in a vid)

Magic Technology
Ian and Anthony are both in ownership of many types of magic technolgy which seemignly gives them control over all of reality, including a magic Ipad, a magic keyboard, and a magic draw something app where everything they draw comes to life.

Death Note
A parody of the anime death note. Write a person's name in it and they die, but there is a counter life note wher eyou can write someone's name down and they come back to life.

Kirby Powers
Anthony has kirby powers. Self explanatory, you know who Kirby is.

Pink Frosted Sprinkled Donut
The Donut is a time machine. Because of course it is.


A park, sky is blue, birds are singing. Ian and Anthony are lurking behind a bush.
"I can't belive what we're seeing. A bikini girl out in the wild." Ian said
Mordecai and Rigby come up behind the bush, Ian and Anthony not noticing them and still in fixation of the bikini girl.
"Hey, did I just hear you two objectfying women?" Mordecai said.
Ian and Anthony both turned to see who were in front of them, a blue jay and a raccoon. They blinked a few times just to see whether any of what they were seeing were real.
"Did you give me those brownies again?" Anthony said to Ian.
"No, you know I only have room in my heart for one sweet treat," For a second Ian's eyes were placed with images of a pink frosted sprinkled donut.
"Alright, Rigby, I think it's time we teach these dudes a lesson."
"Ooh, I hope it's a math lesson." Ian said, flaining his hands up in the air.
"Punchies." Mordecai said as he ran to Ian and punched him causing him to fall on the ground.
"Hey, you don't mess with my best friend like that." Anthony pulled out a gun and started shooting bullets at Mordecai. Mordecai ran past them, dodging the bullets. Anthony realised he was all out of bullets and Rigby went stragiht to Anthony. Climbing up Anthony, scratching his face.
"Time to introduce these suckers to hamboning." Rigby hamboned all over Anthony's body causing the ground to shake. The shake of the ground caused Rigby to fall down and hit the ground.
Ian got back up and ran straight to Mordecai and Rigby. 
"Alright, LASER EYES GO." Ian said. The laser eyes started shooting at Rigby. Rigby kept jumping over Ian's laser eyes.
"Now I'm no mathematican, but two pairs of laser eyes seem better than one pair of laser eyes." Anthony said and started firing his laser eyes at Mordecai and Mordecai jumped over each of Anthony's laser shots.
"Alright, Rigby I think we know what we gotta do."
"Let's go DEATH KWON DO on these jerks"
Mordecai and Rigby transformed into their death kwon do roms
Anthony and Ian looked at them. They couldn't contain their laughter.
"Dude's the 1980s called and even they said that style is out of fashion." Anthony said who still was uncontarablly laughing at Mordecai and Ian.
"I'll show you out of fashion. Death Punch"  Rigby said as he rushed to Anthony and pulled a death punch to Anthony which made a explosion which caused Anthony to be sent flying.
"Nice one dude, now let's add a buff.  I add 10 stregth points to Rigby." Mordecai said as he rolled the magic dice. 
"I already feel my bones getting stronger. Actually sorry no, that was just a fart."
Anthony got back up, his clothes already teared from the explosion from Death Kwon Do.
Ian came to join Anthony's side.  Ian did a cool ass sick anime pose as he pulled out the easy button.
"Alright, big red button,  I wish for the strength to beat these jerk-offs" Ian said.
"Did you need to phrase it that way?" Anthony looked quizzaly at Ian.
"I don't see the problem." Ian pressed the easy button. His biceps curled, and also became comedially larged.
"The punch of death or whatever you said." Ian said as he punched rigby as far as he punched Anthony.
"Why, you little. Alright Mordecai. Get the book"
Rigby got the book of park records and began to write in it.
"Alright, Mordecai, I think we should give these jerks the silent treatment."
Rigby began to write down in the book "Ian and Anthony can no longer speak." They had worked out that without their mouths, Ian and Anthony couldn't use the easy button.
Ian and Anthony both looked at each other, like they wanted to scream, their eyebals bulging. They put their hands over their mouth and jumped up and down out of fear. Anthony raised a eyebrow to Ian. Ian picked up on what Anthony was communicated. Ian got out his phone and opened his draw something app.
"Are you really on your phone right now?" Mordecai said, looking dumbfounded at them.
"Maybe they're looking up how not to be complete push overs." Rigby said.
"Nice one dude."
Ian on the draw something app drew himself and Anthony, adding in the mouths on their bodies which brought their mouths back.
"Vamos!" Anthony said. Ian fiddled with his phone.
"Sorry, had it on spanish, I want to complete my duolingo streak. It's fixed now."
"These two are total idots, why are we even trying?" Rigby said.
"Probably for some video game, or maybe wings. It's normally one of those." Mordecai said.
"Let's give them our full power." Rigby said.
"You can't do that if you're dead." Ian manically laughed and got out his death note.
"Alright, down you go mordecai."
"Not if I have anything to do about it." Rigby said, pressing his stopwatch. Time slowed down. He had to act quick. Only a minute, but that was enough. He ran as fast as he could and jumped onto the death note, and slapped it out of Ian's hand, tearing the pages out of his hand, and without Ian noticiting.
"Alright, that should do it"  Rigby said and pressed his stopwatch to restore time.
Ian looked down at his destoryed death note. 
"Noo, my beatufil baby." Ian got on his knees and began sobbing.
"Alright, I'm fine now." Ian said.
"Now let's give them our full power." Mordecai said.
Rigby got out the power. 
Mordecai and Rigby got out the power.
"Take us to space." Mordecai and Rigby sang.
All four of them were transported to the void of space. Stars laid out in infinite darkness. 
"Hey I can see my house from here. Actually I can see everyone's house from here." Anthony said pointing at earth.
"I thought you guys would freeze out in the void of space." Mordecai said.
"Nah, the void of space is not a big deal. But you know what's a big deal?"
"My Mom. Sorry I've been hanging out with Muscle Man a lot lately." Rigby said.
"Well does your mom has a black hole?"  Anthony said, getting out the magic ipad and drawing a black hole.
"Wait, what?" Mordecai said.
"Aw,dude we're in real trouble." Rigby said.
 The black hole came close to Mordecai and Rigby and consumed them. Ian and Anthony pressed the home button on their ipad to send them back home.


Now this is a very very close matchup. A lot of both duo's arsenal cancel each other out. Easy Button and Magic Dice basically cancel each other out, with both being granted unlimited wishes with those items. The death note and book of park records cancel each other out with writing being used to affect the outcome of situations. Same with the power and all of smosh's magic apps granting them control over everything, they also cancel each other out.. If this was just a fist fight, no power ups, Ian and Anthony would win thanks to Ian's olympian training and Anthony being strong enough to lift Ian enough to break a table. But with every power granted to both duo's it would be a tie as they basically cancel each other out thanks to every item that is able to grant unlimited wishes. And when you can wish for pretty much anything, speed becomes a non factor, as they could theoretically wish for the faster duo to be slower and it would work. So it all comes down to the durability of the duo's. And when it comes down to durability, Ian and Anthony are the winners in that category. Thanks to the food battle skits explicitly being set in the same universe, Ian and Anthony has survived far more than what Mordecai and Rigby has. Ian has survived falling off the grand canyon. Ian and Anthony's durability feats are actually far more consistent than Mordecai and Rigby. Rigby gets hurt by Mordecai gently punching him and this is a consistent thing in Regular Show. While Ian and Anthony are shown to survive and not be hurt by cars running over them. And have survived the destruction of a universe, we know they did, because they explicitly comment on what is happening after the universe was destroyed. Mordecai and Rigby has never been shown to be as durable as Ian and Anthony. And in this matchup that means, Ian and Anthony wins.


Mordecai and Rigby


Death Kwon Do gives them a strength advantage.

Mordecai is the most intelligent


Base forms are physically weaker.

Less Durable

Didn't survive the destructon of a universe

Rigby can't take punches.

Items essentially cancel each other out

Can't get back to work. 

Ian and Anthony


Base forms are physically stronger thanks to Olympian training. 

More durable

Can survive the destruction of the universe


Physically Weaker than Death Kwon Do.

Items essentially cancel each other out

Ian is a dum dum.

